
Service TimesSermonsSacraments & RitesSunday Scripture Readings
Grace in the Devil's Territory
Grace in the Devil's Territory

Homily for Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

That we might be affronted by Jesus is a sign of spiritual health, a sign that we have not fully domesticated Jesus or neutered the Gospel.

Passionate About Jesus
Passionate About Jesus

Homily for Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Good teachers possess a capacity for connectedness... I trust that as we pray with Mark’s Gospel and come to “read, mark, learn and inwardly digest” it, that his Gospel – including these verses – will help us better come to know and love the one whom Mark himself had come to know and love: Jesus Christ.

A Religion of the Flesh
A Religion of the Flesh

Homily for Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

[I pray that we] will not seek to hide from but rather do our best to be open to encountering Jesus, the living God.

Keeping God In Our Picture
Keeping God In Our Picture

Homily for Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

May God give us the grace to include Jesus in our lives and not to crop him out.

Letters of Divine Forgiveness
Letters of Divine Forgiveness

Homily for Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

As our conscience may trouble us – and we all have times when our conscience troubles us – perhaps we can find consolation in knowing that (as the author of Ephesians writes in this morning’s lesson), “God in Christ has forgiven you” (4:32).

Most of the homilies are given by the Rector, the Rev. Todd L. Miller. All others are delivered by homilists as noted. Please consider coming to Trinity some Sunday for a visit!