
Service TimesSermonsSacraments & RitesSunday Scripture Readings
Space to Heal Near Jesus
Space to Heal Near Jesus

Homily for The Sixth Sunday After the Epiphany

If we can allow ourselves to simply be in that “pose” with Jesus, it will not feel like hard work but will feel good. And it can be very, very healing.

Everyone Here is Broken
Everyone Here is Broken

Homily for The Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany

Everyone here is broken. But Jesus says, “Do not be afraid… Put out into the deep… From now on you will be catching people.”

Letting Go in Spiritual Renewal
Letting Go in Spiritual Renewal

Homily for the Feast of the Presentation

When it comes to spiritual renewal, doubling down and trying harder tend not to work.

Weeping at the Word of the Lord
Weeping at the Word of the Lord

Homily for the Third Sunday After the Epiphany

Our places of exile are not merely wounds to be healed or past experiences to be forgotten; rather, God lets us “hunger” in order that we may come to know how that it is God alone who can truly “feed” and satisfy us.

Transforming the Common into Holy
Transforming the Common into Holy

Homily for the Second Sunday After the Epiphany

The beginning of this miracle is John’s way of showing that Jesus’s ministry is all about transforming the common into holy.

Most of the homilies are given by the Rector, the Rev. Todd L. Miller. All others are delivered by homilists as noted. Please consider coming to Trinity some Sunday for a visit!