Spaces tell stories. And worship spaces tell stories that invite us to see who we really might be.
Thus, when the author of 2 Chronicles describes the Jerusalem Temple as adorned with gold, the people could dare to believe that they were precious in God’s sight. When the author records how the Temple was built both with exact order and extravagant beauty, the people could imagine both how they might have a place in God’s world and how God’s world could be a place of surprise and delight. When the author writes how the Temple and its furnishings were made with precise measurements, the people could know that they, too, were marvelously made.

As did the Temple to the people of Jerusalem, Trinity Parish’s building tells stories that invite us to see who we really might be. Our large and beautiful stained-glass windows tell of our capacity for God’s light, both to see and to be it. Our extensive cast stone and carved wood help to tell the story of how we are worthy of beauty and gifted to create. The relief we might feel when we experience the pleasing proportions of our sanctuary’s arches and lines tells the story of how we are most whole, and our hearts most satisfied, when we orient our lives in Christ.

We invite you to come, step into, and to linger in our
worship space. And maybe let it tell you something of who you really might be.