Music at Trinity Parish
The end, or purpose, of human life is to be immersed in incomprehensible beauty. So suggests St. John the Divine in his Revelation.
As St. John imagines for the saints in heaven, so do we at Trinity Parish surround ourselves with music, especially singing. Music draws us beyond ourselves and entices us to the beauty that is God. Our singing – regardless of how “well” we may think we sing – brings us together, renews our spirit, helps to heal, and gives us even now glimpses of God’s beauty.
Trinity Parish’s music draws from the riches of our Anglican heritage. Hymns from both our own and other cultures, and anthems both from our own and past centuries enliven our liturgy, open our hearts more fully to God, and satisfy our souls’ hunger for beauty.
Trinity Parish also offers a Choir Academy for youth in Grades 4 – 8. Excepting school holidays, the program meets every Wednesday at 6:00pm for dinner shared among youth and families, and rehearsal from 6:30 to 7:30pm. The program is open to families of any or no faith, and choristers perform alongside the Parish Choir in worship several times during the school year.