Growing in Faith


Parish News


The Tree of the Cross

Word for the Week

The Tree of the Cross

April 14, 2024

Jesus has shown in his own person all the fullness of life offered on the tree of the cross.  For me this tree is a plant of eternal health.  I feed on it; by its roots I find stability; by its branches I reach out to others.  I rejoice in its dew; I am invigorated by the rustling of its leaves.  I freely enjoy its fruits as if they were meant just for me from the beginning of the world.  It is my food when I am hungry; it is my fountain when I am thirsty; it is my very clothing, for its leaves are the spirit of life.

The tree of which I speak has celestial dimensions, reaching from earth to heaven, a plant of eternity which is planted in both heaven and earth, the foundation of the universe, gathering under its canopy all the diverse peoples of the world, fastened by invisible nails of the Spirit, so that its link with divine power may never be broken.

– from an ancient Paschal homily by an unknown author

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