Growing in Faith


Parish News


The Choir of Christ's College • Concert at Trinity Parish

Music at Trinity

The Choir of Christ's College • Concert at Trinity Parish

July 20, 2022

Trinity Parish is delighted to welcome the Chapel Choir of Christ's College from Cambridge, England as they complete their summer tour of the Eastern seaboard of the United States. One of the foremost choirs within the University of Cambridge, where a thriving and accomplished Anglican choral tradition flourishes, they will sing English and European repertoire from the 17th to 21st centuries in a choral concert this Wednesday, July 20 at 7:00PM.

The choir's tour being self-funded, the group is requesting $25 for audience admission, a portion of which will go to Trinity Parish. If this presents a financial difficulty that would otherwise keep you from attending, please contact the office. Join us if you can!

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