Growing in Faith


Parish News


God is nearer to us

Word for the Week

God is nearer to us

March 1, 2025

God is nearer to us than our own soul, for he is the ground in which it stands, and he is the means by which substance and sensuality are so held together that they can never separate.  Our soul reposes in God its true rest, and stands in God, its true strength, and is fundamentally rooted in God, its eternal love.  So if we want to come to know our soul, and enjoy its fellowship as it were, it is necessary to seek it in our Lord God in whom it is enclosed…  These are the foundation for our development and perfection.  We have our life and our being in nature: we develop and reach fulfilment through mercy and grace.

— from Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich (1342–1416) 

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