
Service TimesSermonsSacraments & RitesSunday Scripture Readings
Saying the Word Love
Saying the Word Love

Homily for the Seventh Sunday of Easter

Jesus’ “High-Priestly Prayer” in John chapter 17 is God’s “stretto” of the “fugue” that is St. John’s Gospel. A stretto in which God repeats, again and again and in different ways and all at the same time "I love you, I love you, I love you."

Conversations with Jesus
Conversations with Jesus

Homily for the Sixth Sunday of Easter

After Easter, this line of reasoning goes, the Johannine community continued the conversation, maybe even in John’s home, remembering and discussing and coming to deeper understandings of Jesus’ words, until that conversation came to be written down in what is now St. John’s Gospel.

Christ the True Vine
Christ the True Vine

Homily for the Fifth Sunday of Easter

And for John, for whom sacraments are important, one of the ways Jesus helps us “abide” is through the Eucharist,the sacrament of bread and wine, of Christ’s body and blood.

The Food of Love
The Food of Love

Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Easter

We human beings live not on bread alone, but on love.

The Spiritual Energy of Baptism and Burial
The Spiritual Energy of Baptism and Burial

Homily (Extended) for David MacNair's Funeral

A helpful rule of thumb for grief is: allow ourselves to feel whatever we need to feel and for as long as we need to feel it.

Most of the homilies are given by the Rector, the Rev. Todd L. Miller. All others are delivered by homilists as noted. Please consider coming to Trinity some Sunday for a visit!